Villa GS10

Interior | House | Eindhoven


This project involved the modernization of this spacious residence in Eindhoven.

The primary goal of this design was to create an elegant, sophisticated home where one can comfortably retreat.


Homely high-end

The realization of this feeling has been achieved by incorporating natural materials and textures, light colors, and rounded, organic forms.

The combination creates a beautiful balance between luxurious living and a homely, warm atmosphere. A high-end entirety that we take pride in!



Contractor | 040 Groep
Project | Verbouwing
Interior work | Hermé Interieurbouw
Steel | Interior Elements
Floor | Floordelig
Light plan | B-too
Furniture | Novalis-O
Lighting | Stout, Bolia, Penta Clash
Wallpaper | Arte, Vescom

A warm homecoming

And living well

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